When planning your trip to Mexico you need to aware of the weather in the country, the timings of different festivals and the places that you wish to visit.

Although Mexico is associated with a warm or hot weather, the country has a lot of different temperature zones. The areas closer to the sea-level tend to have a pleasant to warm weather throughout the year that makes them a perfect bunking spots for your trip. While the areas located on the higher altitude tend to get very chilly during the November to January period.

The hurricane season the country usually lasts from June to November, so if you are looking to travel to all the famous resorts in the country you should the time between Octobers to May. The weather gets extremely hot and humid during the months of June to September.

If you are looking to enjoy different festivals that occur in Mexico throughout the year like Day of Dead and Radish festival you should plan your trip accordingly to your visit coincides with these festivals.

If you are looking to get peace and relaxation and want to enjoy different locations in Mexico without the hassle of thousands of tourists then you should avoid the time of holidays such as Christmas and Easter when the hotels tend to be booked to the brim and it is very difficult to find appropriate transport. The beaches get particularly crowded in the Spring break, so if you are looking to enjoy a noisy and vibrant environment then you should select that time of the year to travel.